With support for Windows 10 21H2 swiftly coming to an end, users should start preparing themselves for a massive Windows update, as Microsoft has announced that those still using this older version of the operating system will be upgraded to Windows 11 whether they want to or not.
The last update for those using this version of Windows will become available on the 13th of June 2023, and after that all services and support will be stopped.
Trying to stop the Windows 11 upgrade might just leave you with a system that is vulnerable to hacking and other malicious attacks, as further updates for Windows 10 21H2 won’t be coming.
There is no definite date yet for when users can expect the system to be upgraded but it is now a guarantee that it will come sometime after the June update.
This essentially means that Windows 10 22H2 will be the very last version of this operating system, and Microsoft has already said that it will continue to provide support to Windows 10 22H2 until the 14th of October 2025, with Enterprise users being given a few extra years with their system.
Windows 11 Is Growing in Popularity (But Only a Little)
Along with the news that Windows 11 is coming to Windows 10 21H2 users, the latest stats from Statcounter are showing that the operating system is gaining a few fans.
Although many users will say that Windows 10 is so far the best, Windows 11 is growing on people, and it recently hit an all-time high user share percentage.
Although the statistics aren’t looking too bad, Microsoft is said to be a little be disappointed at the low uptake of its latest Windows offering.
By comparison, towards the end of the Windows 10’s time on the market, it was experiencing a phenomenal user market share of 76%, and seeing that so many people are happily using Windows 10 for such an extended period of time, you can understand why they weren’t in such a rush to embrace the newest version.
Ultimately, because most users, both individuals and companies, are unlikely to make a move over to any other type of operating system, Windows 11 will eventually dominate the scene.
But whether or not it becomes memorable, for all the right reasons, remains to be seen.
And while the operating system is gaining more users, Microsoft’s built in internet browser just keeps on taking knocks, as Edge, which was supposed to be a huge improvement on Internet Explorer, has lost its standing to Safari.
A Snippet About Windows 11
Windows 11 was released to much fanfare in October of 2021, and it became available to all users in 2022.
As with all the versions of Windows, this latest one had quite a few growing pains, with most of the more obvious problems having now been resolved.
Windows 11 brings with it so many much-welcomed new things such as the much-hyped inclusion of AI technology. Although the layout of Windows 11 takes some getting used to, if you are a long-time user of the operating system, you shouldn’t have too much of a problem getting the hand of things.
* Struggling to decide if it is time to introduce Windows 11 to your business? Or maybe you need help installing this upgrade? At 24/7 IT Services, we provide our clients with a range of fantastic IT solutions which include managed IT support and various IT consultancy options. For more information, give us a call.